SJP Testifies Before DC Council in Support of Proposed Attendance Regulations 12.13.22
In October 2021 DC Councilmember Trayon White introduced a bill to amend the District's punitive school attendance regulations. The proposed bill amended the definition of “present,” replacing the District’s former 80/20 rule with a new 60/40 rule: Students present for 60% of the instructional day would be counted as present. The purpose of the change was to incentivize attendance even if a student arrived late, which would have otherwise been marked as an absence.
Senior Staff Attorney Tayo Belle testified before the DC Council on behalf of SJP in March and again on November 30 in support of the proposed final regulations promulgated by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). SJP advocated for more focus in the regulations on court-involved students. Specifically, SJP sought an expansion in the excused absence categories for students who missed school due to court-mandated appointments. SJP also advocated before the Council for the regulations to specifically reference students who become their own educational decision-makers after turning 18. To watch the hearing of the Committee of the Whole, please click here.